Monday, November 29, 2004

Report Cards....What a Bummer!

Today I got my report card and a was scared to look at it. Thankfully I did not get any U's U is fo unsatisfactory. Right now I am eating my leftover thanksgiving food. I wanted to update on thanksgiving day but the computer froze up. I also really took a swipe at my sister allison. That was in the update that has the title Allison could really be a pain. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all and have a good night!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Allison Could Really Be a Pain

You know, my sister allison can be a big strech. She always talks about whatever I tell her on the phone. And it really humilates me. So now I am taking adventage of her. Also sorry for the lack of updates. I was busy doing other things. And Allison if you are reading this, it is true.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Shrek 2

Today I went to best buy and got Shrek 2 . I finished watching it. The movie was all right. Next is the Far Far Away Idol. Did you get it? Say yes or no. I will see the comments.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

What A Day!

Today was the biggest days ever in my life. Today I went to Jockey Hollow Park for a 5 mile hike. I had a guest in my car. His name is Michael Alberqurque. I had to take him to the Jockey Hollow Trail because his mother broke her arm. I dont know why or how it happened. After the hike I went in the store. I bought the oldest and rarest thing. The Declaration of Independence! Then Me, Mom, Dad, Michael went in the car and went to Bennigans for lunch. I had a Irish Burger. Dad ordered the biggest thing on the menu and ate it all! Someone must have been very hungry lately. Finally I went home then installed the E-Z Passes on my mother and my fathers car. And now I'm here updating my blog. WHAT A DAY!

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Today is Thursday and I'm OFF. I am also off on Friday which is tomorrow. So I am off for Thursday and Friday. But for what? Its for the Convention. I will also be off on Veterans Day, and thanksgiving. Today I will go to my grandmothers house. What are YOU doing?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Events

Today is Election Day and there are some events happening. Well today Im voting for...................... JOHN KERRY! Who are you voting for? Another event is that today is the day when Roller Coaster Tycoon3 is avalible in stores. If you have the demo you should get the real game. TEll me who you would vote for President. I will see your comments.